PSA-Extract report from the experience with parallel acupuncture after Hugo Nielsen in Bremen
There are people who claim that they were completely healthy. This erroneous assumption was even with me until the day where in addition to the normal PSA – value has been determined.
This was so extremely high (66.2) and 14 days later soared to 70.7. I was immediately transferred to an urologist.
The confirmation was the staggering certainty: Prostate Cancer – cancer. (Findings: Patalogisches Bremen).
As a happy coincidence, I had wanted it also affected by acquaintances of the Danish inventor and acupuncture specialists Hugo Nielsen, who has over thirty years, the method of traditional Chinese acupuncture has expanded to parallel acupuncture and demonstrably circle for these patients has achieved incredible success. Why not me?
From possible treatment alternatives other than the hormone therapy, doctors advised. The follow-risk (formation of metastases) was too large. So was the only ray of hope in Hugo Nielsen just recently opened in Bremen Institute.
With the start of the therapy were up to date daily records of the effects of the parallel acupuncture and hormone injections by the urologist to watch. With the start of the week 16.Behandlungs also the impact the Cell Com unit (developed by Nielsen HUGO).
From the records of patients can view the following findings read.
After the parallel 17.Behandlung acupuncture was the value of 66.2 of 70.7 to 2.6 after only 2 months. One result of treatment with a break of 10 days. This result is also important for doctors sensational.
As the values of the graph used this, continued the downward trend of PSA – values are continued, first with 0.3 on 09.06.2006 in my 27th Week of treatment.
Hot flashes – in the first weeks of extremely high due to the hormone injection. The frequency was measured daily between 6 a clock and 1 clock at night. In the first few weeks the frequency was between 14 to 19 times a day.
Clearly evident that in the following days after the acupuncture parallel the daily values of the frequency fell dramatically, notably, during the same acupuncture activated the hot flash, no matter how before the interval. These values are only from the daily overview to table. (These records are the Institute). In dealing with the Cell Com unit came to the hot flash Ca.80%.
Parallel acupuncture should always serve as a support to the normal medical care. Also they must have been created records as the table shows. On the part of the Acupuncturist Hugo Nielsen is repeatedly pointed out how important it is, as in my case, the therapy of urologists and the parallel acupuncture also “parallel”. This explains ultimately the impressive success.
What do I want to achieve with this letter?
The more than 30 – years of experience of Hugo Nielsen has shown that I have his treatment is a positive “case” of hundreds am. This unique opportunity life-threatening help, no world’s people must be brought closer. Every one of us can take to protect life is also save lives. The media or television with numerous health magazines are here called and asked.
The Institute is a Hugo Nielsen approval to publish this report, as well as the Institute of insight to give detailed records.
May this “Report” rise to the right impetus to other stakeholders in the second chance.
Date 21.11.2006
NOTE: The diagram is from Week 33 2007
Specialist for general medicine
Medical care home
Bremen d.19.11.2006
Display case of a patient with prostate cancer in parallel with treatment androgen depriver acupuncture therapy and parallel to H. Nielsen
61-years-old patient with. good looking Pre-in took place well being to screening on 02.12.2005 in the doctors practice.
Rectal finding investigation: finding pathogical suspect with hardening mainly in re. Prostate.
USG abdomen: prostate with ca.2, 9 x 4, 1 cm substantial Increase somewhat homogeneous structure.
Laboratory findings: PSA: 66.2 ug / l (normal <4ug / l), other laboratory parameters within the normal range.
Transfer to the urologist, urgent V. a. prostate cancer.
Ones again laboratory control (16/12/2005) PSA: 70.7 ug / l
When urologists performed 4 prostate punches. Histology of two samples:
Medium heavy differentiated adenoma carcinoma of the prostate.
Further investigations: chest X-ray / CT Abdomen (21.12.05) / Scan of the bone (04.01.06): No evidence of metastasis.
Therapeutic approach: Urologist: Androgen deprive treatment with Zoladex (Goserelin).
At the same time, parallel implementation of acupuncture in Hugo Nielsen Institute in Bremen.
(Intervals are the records of patients below).
History: Rapide reduction of the PSA value within the shortest possible time: (own laboratory checks)
31.0l .06: 2.6 ug / l
05.03.06: 0.7 ug / l. Meanwhile laboratory checks with the urologist also documented reduction of PSA values. The therapy regime as mentioned above is being continued. Parallel control from the doctor and coordination,
Amazingly, the rapid and drastic reduction of the PSA value under og Therapy as an expression of an efficient and comprehensive treatment of Prostate carcinomas. Subjectively, the patient is in an excellent condition, is initially depressive reaction in a very good mental and physical constitution.